Access Request

For Employees Only. Please log in with your campus email and you will be prompted to enter your campus credentials.

Alert: Exclamation mark in red triangleNote:
After clicking on any of the below forms, if you receive an error message, such as you: "You do not have access to this form", or "something went wrong," you have to clear your cache.

A request form will need to be completed and submitted with all the required e-signatures to request access to any CSUDH applications, including PeopleSoft Systems for Campus Solutions (Student Administration), Human Resources/Payroll, CFS Financials, or OnBase, TSC, and DW-BI Dashboards.

The access request form(s) will be sent to you to complete after submitting a Preliminary Access Request. 

Click here to get started. (You will need our CSUDH email account to log in.)

Preliminary Access Request Form

 Use this Process to request employee access to:

  • PeopleSoft Campus Solutions PeopleSoft Human Resources and Payroll
  • PeopleSoft CFS Financials and CFS Data Warehouse
  • OnBase Access
  • EAB (TSC) and DW-BI Dashboard access
  • WebAdmit
  • Analytics by Liaison (For Enrollment Management Services Unit only)
  • Salesforce

The preliminary request form will include the following information to help us determine which Access Request form(s) you will need to submit.

  • Type of Access Needed: (could be more than one type: PeopleSoft CS, Financials(CFS), OnBase, etc.)
  • Requestor's Legal Name
  • Employee ID #
  • Campus Email Address
  • Title
  • Job Functions (example: Student Advisement, Budget Reconciliation, Attendance Timekeeper, etc.)
  • Department
  • Requestor's Supervisor /" Reports To" Name and email address.
  • Division Approver's Name and Email Address


Once the Information Security Office receives the Preliminary information, the Security Administrator will kick-off the correct form(s) from Request forms in Adobe Sign.  


Adobe Sign Form "Kick-Off" Process

Security Administrator will first verify information provided in the preliminary form.

The requestor will get an email with a link to complete their portion of the form and e-sign using Adobe Sign. The Adobe Sign form will automatically be routed for the required e-signatures (including Requestor, Supervisor, Liaison/MPP, Division Approver, Data Owner, and Information Security Officer). The completed form will be routed back to the Security Administrator to process and sign off. The requestor will receive a copy of the completed e-signed form to let them know their request has been completed

If you have any questions regarding this form or don't know what type of access you may need, please fill out the form and ask your question in the comment section.



Adobe Sign Licenses for Employees Request

Adobe Sign is a self-service tool that allows designated members of the campus to create and route electronic documents for signature CAMPUS E-SIGNATURE GUIDELINES. Only Managers may request licenses for their staff and faculty. This signature is replacing the wet signature requirements on legally binding agreements and contracts.

Dropbox Services:

To store and share university protected data such as level 1 data, CSUDH must comply with CSU Information Security Policies. To give campus more flexibility of cloud storage, with a partnership with Dropbox Inc. CSUDH Enterprise Dropbox was approved as the only approved cloud storage for level 1 data, including HIPAA data. Dropbox is the preferred method of transferring data.

Review Dropbox Security Best Practices before sharing files and folders on dropbox.

Use the forms below to request Secured Dropbox Team Folder locations and File transfers.

Secured Dropbox Team Folder Request

CSUDH Enterprise Dropbox is the only approved cloud storage for Level 1 data, including HIPAA data.

Secured Data Transfer Request

Dropbox is the preferred method of transferring and receiving data externally.

Dropbox Secured Folder Access/Removal Request

This form is only to request additional access or the removal of a user from an already existing Secured Team folder. To request a new Team Folder, please fill out the appropriate form.

Folder Owners can use this form to fill out a request to add/remove users to the secured Dropbox Team Folder location. Please use one form per Employee.




Location & Hours

NSM C-151
Monday-Friday, 8 AM - 6 PM



(310) 243-2500

Monday - Friday,8 AM - 6 PM
Saturday - Sunday, 9 AM - 6 PM

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