Smoking Policy

CSUDH is a Smoke and Tobacco Free Campus

In order to provide the California State University's faculty, staff, students, guests, and the public with campuses that support the principle of one's individual freedom to learn, teach, work, think, and take part in their intellectual endeavors in a fulfilling, rewarding, safe, and healthy environment, the CSU has created and implemented a "smoke and tobacco free" policy systemwide. Smoking and the use of tobacco products is prohibited in all CSU properties. This policy went into effect on September 1, 2017.

Smoking, or the use of tobacco products, and the use of designated smoking areas are prohibited within CSUDH campus boundaries, and on all California State University properties. These include the interior and exterior campus areas of CSUDH. This definition includes buildings (including residence halls), structures (including parking structures), parking lots, and outdoor areas owned, leased, or rented by the university or one of its auxiliaries. Also included are vehicles owned, leased, or rented by the university or one of the university's auxiliaries. Private vehicles on university-owned, leased, or rented land or in university-owned, leased, or rented parking structures are also subject to the policy. CSUDH is in full compliance with this policy. Map of CSUDH campus boundaries [PDF].

 "Smoke Free" means that the use of cigarettes, pipes, cigars, and other "smoke" emanating products including e-cigarettes, vapor devices, and other like products are prohibited on all university properties. "Smoke" or "smoking" means inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying any lighted or heated cigar, cigarette, cigarillo, pipe, hookah, or any other lighted or heated tobacco or plant product intended for inhalation, whether natural or synthetic, in any manner or in any form. "Smoke" or "smoking" also includes the use of an electronic smoking device that creates an aerosol or vapor, in any manner or in any form, or the use of any oral smoking device for the purpose of circumventing the prohibition of smoking.

Any sponsorship and/or advertising in respect to any university activity by a tobacco manufacturer is prohibited unless explicitly authorized by the University President or designee.

For more information about CSUDH's smoking and tobacco-use policies, as well as resources for quitting smoking and an FAQ, please visit our Breathe Freely website here.

Compliance with Policy

Effective implementation of the Smoke and Tobacco Free Campus Policy depends upon the courtesy, sensitivity, and cooperation of all members of the campus community. It is a normal and reasonable duty of all employees of CSUDH and its auxiliaries, and expected conduct by all students, to comply with this policy. Members of the CSUDH community are individually responsible to comply with the creation of a campus-wide smoke and tobacco-free environment.

Scope of Policy

All California State University campuses are 100% smoke-free and tobacco-free. Smoking, the use or sale of tobacco products, and the use of designated smoking areas are prohibited on all California State University properties. Members of the CSU community are expected to fully comply with the policy.

Any sponsorship and/or advertising in respect to any university activity or event by a tobacco product manufacturer is prohibited unless explicitly authorized by the University President or designee.

Reporting of Violations of the Policy

Violations of this policy should be reported to the appropriate administrator. There shall be no reprisals against anyone seeking assistance in enforcing this policy.

Effective Date of Policy

This policy is effective as of September 1, 2017, and supersedes all previous CSUDH smoking and tobacco policies.

Further Information

For additional information, contact the EO 1108 Smoke and Tobacco Free Committee Chair, Dr. William Franklin, at (310) 243-3784.

Policy detailed in CSU Executive Order 1108.

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